Thailand Retirement Plan| Your Guide To Retiring To Paradise

Retire In Thailand | Your Guide To Retiring To Paradise

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Retire In Thailand | Your Guide To Retiring To Paradise

Just ask yourself the question, why wouldn’t you want to retire in paradise? Thailand is quite simply one of the most beautiful countries globally with exceptional cuisine and some of the world’s best beaches. I’m Ian, a guy who’s traveled worldwide and lived in South East Asia (2017) for over a year. I have a vast knowledge of the area and want to share all my experience with you to make the best decision you possibly can.

Thailand attracts many retirees as one of the most popular destinations globally because of its fantastic climate, low costs, and laidback culture. You can live near the beach for just ฿12,000 a month with great beaches and restaurants to kick back and relax in. There’s also a fair bit to see and do in Thailand with impressive temples, jungles, bustling cities, and a busy tourism sector with luxury hotels, Infinity pools, and Sky bars! So I promise you will never get bored!

 If you’re interested in taking the plunge and moving out to Thailand, I suggest you keep reading this article because there’s a lot more to know about relocating to another country than you think. You need to make a plan & budget of at least 10 to 20 years and account for the hidden costs.

My advice is to plan, plan, plan, and plan some more before you even consider moving here! Many people who retire to Thailand have a budget of just one year and think they’re going to make money by selling items on Facebook. The truth is it’s hard to make money in Thailand, and no way should you consider making money by selling a few things online.It’s a risky game that most fail at.

Well, I hope I’ve not scared you too much, but seriously, use this guide’s content before you even consider moving to Thailand. If you’re wondering about insurance and Healthcare, keep reading as I go over them in detail. But let’s make your dream come true, so you have the best retirement experience ever!

Low And High Budgeting In Thailand

I will write a whole budget guide that will break things down as theirs is a lot to consider.

If you’re a couple moving to Thailand, it will cost around £1600/$2221/฿68410.50 per month, and you need some savings of at least £25,000/$34675.00/฿1069827.78. You need savings as there will be hidden charges that you might not expect in Thailand.

The state pension you get freezes to the amount you receive, so as living expenses go up (which they will), your pension will stay the same. Your savings cushion then becomes handy to pay for those extra fees as time goes by and prices inflate, which they will!

If you have extra revenue streams (which I recommend), you can live to a high standard for around £4100/$5688.52/฿175301.90. You can live somewhere like a Phuket in a beach house or a condo with a private pool with cooks and maids included with decent revenue coming in. Your lifestyle will increase to a level you could never imagine.

Healthcare in Thailand

I think it’s critical to know about the healthcare system before you move to any country. Private Healthcare in Thailand is excellent, but there’s no public healthcare for foreigners. You must go private.

Now Healthcare is lower than the U.S. But it still can be expensive if you have prescriptions or if you need medical attention. Your best bet is to get medical insurance from your own country before you leave but make sure it covers everything. You don’t want to fall off your motorbike and break your hip, and suddenly you’re in ฿30,000 $29.000 worth of debt (Max price), but you pay for what you get.

Retire In Thailand | Your Guide To Retiring To Paradise

What are the Requirements to Obtain a Retirement Visa?

The retirement visa has an age cap of 50 years old before you can apply. You also need to prove you have a pension of at least ฿65,000  (£1,648) a month coming in or ฿800,000 (£20,700) deposited in Thai bank or both pension and savings in a Thai bank ฿800,000 (£20,700)

Visa Specifications

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I would go for the multiple entries Visa because you never know you might need to go home? After Three years of renewing your visas continuously, you can apply for a residency visa, which is around ฿7,600, £177, $246.83

Until you get your permanent residency visa, you have to report immigration every 90 days. If you don’t do this, you risk your Visa becoming exempt.

When you are coming up to the visa renewal date, you will be required to show some documents such as proof of address, bank statements, and every passport picture.

If you decide to leave Thailand and you’re on a single entry visa, you can leave the country and reapply for a re-entry permit (This only applies for your first year). With the application form, you also need a picture of yourself and your passport.

One more thing, you can’t work in Thailand while you’re on a retirement visa. If you decide to work or even help out, you can get issues with your Visa. If you are after extra income. Try and do something online but don’t work for anyone in Thailand.

Some countries like the US and a few others can apply for a five-year visa, although it is relatively expensive with at least ฿3 million baht has to be banked in a Thai account.

If you move to Thailand from the UK you’ll need a relocation business Crown Relocations can help with this. Send them an email, and they will get back in touch.

Housing And General Costs (Bangkok)

Depending on where you want to live, Bangkok is around $650 a month for a central location. When you throw in general bills in it’s about $725 in total. Extra costs such as food, restaurants, entertainment, and beer are an additional $700.00 per month.

Now that’s fine if you got the cash, but as I stated before, you should do a 10-year budget plan that will probably end up being million baht. You can get some excellent apartments in Bangkok’s outer suburbs for nearly half the price. I used to stay in Suttie San! A lovely quiet suburb about 15/20mins from the city center.

If you’re looking to save money, then start eating street food it’s the best, and its cheap. The moment you start eating out at ex-pat bars, you pay four times as much for food and drink!

Supermarkets are also a lot cheaper than 7/11’s, so try to shop at Tesco Lotus. The food quality is excellent, and you can pick up some bargains there.

Retire In Thailand | Your Guide To Retiring To Paradise


A lot of people who moved to Thailand normally rent first, and there’s some policies in place where you can try before you buy. I highly recommend never buying property straight of the bat and you see how you get on first living here.

If you’re looking to buy property in Thailand, you must do much research because it’s a different ball game. You need to speak to someone you trust first, look at options before you buy, and don’t rush into anything.

Checkout Fazz Wazz for all your property details- Click here

Taxes in Siam (Thailand)

If you live in Thailand consistently for over six months, you will have to pay some income tax and tax on international income. And yes, even if you haven’t got a work visa, you still have to pay.

While you’re in Thailand try to find a good accountant- Expat groups are fantastic for finding people who can help. Make sure you join a few on Facebook, write a few messages, and see what’s pop up.

You will defiantly need an accountant because the paperwork will be in Thai.

I’ll Try Not To Scare You- The Negatives Of Thailand

One of the things you have to remember, Thailand is a developing country and is different from Western cultures. Thais are wonderful people and are generally happy but always scope the area before moving as the culture is way different!

The weather plays a massive factor and is roasting, especially in April and is above 30 °c degrees every day that month.

The wildlife in Thailand can be pretty gross, with ants, cockroaches, rats, and mozzies. I honestly hate rats with a passion, but I just saw them on the street. The worst are the mosquitoes, but I found  they weren’t as bad in the cities.

You have to be comfortable with wildlife in general before moving here and learn what to do if you have problems with ant invasions.

Tips And budget Advice

As stated before, you need to make a budget plan off at least ten years before moving to Thailand.

A budget of $1500 is enough to live comfortably in Thailand. A financial advisor will help you out with budgets. Also, they can advise you on how to invest your money and how to pay your taxes.

The more things you put in place, the safer you’ll be, and again it’s all about planning

Children’s Treatments – Heres What You Need To Know

 If you have kids, it’s reassuring to know that Riga has two remarkable complexes that give specialized treatment for kids. Every year, the hospital treats 30,000 patients annually, and more than 160,000 receive medical care from this service.

The children’s clinic University Hospital’s location is in Torņkalns which is around 5 k from the city and 8k from the airport. You can use two transport options, public or private. The hospital has parking spaces available for you.

The hospital has a wide range of treatments available as well as advanced sickness cases. A lot of care goes into finding your diagnosis and ensuring you get the best medical care you possibly can.

Address: Vienības gatve 45

Inga Sproģe

Phone: +371 25680140


Opening Hours:

Mon- Fri: 8am-18:00pm

Sat- 8am-16:00pm

Sun- Closed

Children’s Treatments – Heres What You Need To Know

 If you have kids, it’s reassuring to know that Riga has two remarkable complexes that give specialized treatment for kids. Every year, the hospital treats 30,000 patients annually, and more than 160,000 receive medical care from this service.

The children’s clinic University Hospital’s location is in Torņkalns which is around 5 k from the city and 8k from the airport. You can use two transport options, public or private. The hospital has parking spaces available for you.

The hospital has a wide range of treatments available as well as advanced sickness cases. A lot of care goes into finding your diagnosis and ensuring you get the best medical care you possibly can.

Address: Vienības gatve 45

Inga Sproģe

Phone: +371 25680140


Opening Hours:

Mon- Fri: 8am-18:00pm

Sat- 8am-16:00pm

Sun- Closed

Retire In Thailand | Your Guide To Retiring To Paradise

Cities To Retire To

The main hotspots for retiring in Thailand are Bangkok, Phuket, Koh Samui, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, and Hua Hin. The cheapest place to live in Thailand is Issan which is in Northeastern Thailand. All the areas have something different. Some are more suited to men some are more suited to couples and families.


Phuket has the best beaches in the world with lovely sea temperatures. I always found this area is more expensive than the majority of Thailand. But it was great for families, with terrific restaurants and plenty of things to see and do. Another perk is it’s got an International Airport so that you can jump on a jet easily.


If you like busy cities and the hustle and bustle, then Bangkok is your place. The city doesn’t sleep and has loads of restaurants, shopping malls, cinemas, gyms, and fantastic accommodation. One of the negatives is it does get hectic, and traffic is quite heavy. I advise you to stay away from Tuk Tuks as they cost a bomb, and use Sky train and taxis.

Koh Samui

Koh Samui is quite a Big Island with loads to do, and before the pandemic, it was a trendy island with lots of bars and pubs and lovely beaches. There’s also a National Park (Mu Koh Angthong National Marine Park) which is beautiful.


If you’re a single man, Pattaya probably is a good place if you’re looking for a girl but in the commercial areas, be careful because these Thai girls are there to make money for the most part.

Pattaya is quite pretty and has plenty to do with a lovely beach and shopping malls. But predominantly, it is a sex tourist place.

One positive about Pattaya is the fact it has decent accommodation such as world-class condos and apartments.

Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is one of my favorite areas in Thailand, with impressive national parks and a modern city with excellent accommodation.

The city reminds me of being green and at one with nature with plenty of treks for you to discover. One of Chiang Mai’s pluses is the climate. You got a nice cooler temperature from November to January. So if you’re not a big fan of the heat, look at Chang Mai. April does get scorchio.

Hua Hin

I’ve only been to Hua Hin once, and it was quite a surprise how nice it was and chilled. You get many people from Bangkok coming here just for a quick weekend cause it’s only for three to four hours.

It has a lovely beach and some fantastic restaurants, and I preferred Hua Hin to the islands.

Transport info Thailand

Tuk Tuk

Tuk Tuk is a blast from the past! The vehicle is like a three-wheel motorbike. You need to take a ride on a Tuk Tuk at least once because it’s a unique experience that you won’t find in the West.  

As I mentioned before, though, Tuks Tuks are a lot more expensive than taxis, and you can easily be ripped off with scams.

You are looking at a journey price of between ฿80 to ฿150, but they might charge more if you’re a westerner. Try and speak a bit of Thai to them you’ll get a fair price.


Taxi’s, for me, Is the best way to get around Bangkok just because it’s cheap and they’re all air-conditioned. One downside is Bangkok gets crowded, and I’ve been stuck in traffic jams for an hour before.

Taxi starts at ฿35, and it’s ฿2 every mile after that, which is cheap, especially if you share a ride. If you get taxis outside Bangkok, many won’t have a meter, so always agree on a price before going anywhere.


A songthaew is like a pickup truck that has two rows in the back. They do get a bit crowded, but you pay for what you get. The mode of transport is pretty slow overall but your saving money. They can be a little unsafe, though, and jittery, so you need to hold on as there are no seat belts.

As I said before, you can’t wait 10-20 minutes till a Songthaew shows up, which is frustrating but again, if you’re retired, you need to save your money if you’re want to budget. When you reach your destination, you need to press a buzzer inside the cabin.

Price is usually ฿20- ฿30

Again if you’re on a budget, Songthaew’s can cut down the transport costs.

Motorcycle Taxi

Getting on the back of the motorbike is the fastest way to get around, especially if you’re in Bangkok. Most cities have motorbike taxis, and I’ve always used them for nights out if I need to get somewhere fast.

I wouldn’t use a motorbike if I had a full backpack, just in case. If you’re in your 50s, you may not be keen, but I’ve never had a problem and most of your helmets.

A motorcycle taxi price starts at ฿20 bar and goes up to  ฿100 depending on where you go? A lot of moto drivers have good knowledge of cities, and you’ll get there no problem.


Thailand has a perfect bus system with modern busses that are air-conditioned and relatively comfortable. If you go city to city, I would say buses are one of Thailand’s most popular forms of transport.

The local buses cost around ฿7 but be warned some of these aren’t air-conditioned. If you’re going to longer distances from Bangkok, such as Hua Hin, Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, the buses will most likely new, clean and modern on cheaper than flying or catch in a train.

Bangkok BTS Skytrain

The Sky Train is a gift from God because Bangkok has some of the world’s worst traffic. The tracks are above you, and you have many lines to travel down, such as the Sukhumvit Line and the Silom Line.

The BTS is still pretty modern and air-conditioned and can drop you off at some of Bangkok’s most prominent tourist hotspots.

The price of this service is ฿16 (Single Short Journey)- ฿59(Single No Restriction In Distance)- ฿140(Unlimited Travel)


You have to try the train at least once while you’re in Thailand, especially the sleeper train to Chiang Mai (฿800). Included in the price are your cabin and some of the best views Thailand has to offer.

You also have an array of options in class. Please make sure you go to the second class because the 3rd class is hot and sticky with no air conditioning or bed.

Around Bank Holidays, as trains sell out fast, so book your tickets in advance.

Trains are a fantastic experience in Thailand, and you have to try this at least once.

Travel by air

The fastest way to get around Thailand with a host of great low-budget airlines flying around the most population is quite simple.

Some airlines are Nok Air & Air Asia, which you can get some great prices for. The Advantage of flying is you can get anywhere around the country in an hour.

Supermarket Bangkok

Supermarkets In Thailand

If you live in Bangkok you will have a load of great supermarkets to choose from. You have affluent supermarkets, and mid-range ones like Tesco Lotus or make 711’s.

Supermarkets have come a long way in Thailand, and I’d even go as far as they’re just as good as Western ones.

Gourmet Market

If you’re missing some western goods, don’t check out the gourmet market. The produce is excellent, and you have a superb range of stock. The products are western, so I guess it’s like a home from home. The only problem is there aren’t many stores.

Location: Siam Paragon, Emporium, Terminal 21, and K Village.

Tesco Lotus

Bangkok has loads of Tesco Lotus is all over the city.

Tesco’s supermarket chain from the UK other products is fairly similar to those back in Britain. The supermarket has over 1400 stores around Thailand and just introduced next-day delivery with online shopping.


There are 77 branches of macro all around Thailand, which is great cause I love that place. If you need to buy any bulk items like water, make sure you come here.


If you lived in Thailand before, you have seen the 7/11 with the infamous doorbell when you walk through the door.

The Japanese American brand has over 10,000 shops around Thailand, with the majority being in Bangkok.

Buying Cheap Quality Clothes

Platnium Fashion Mall

If you’re after some clothes, look at a Platinum fashion mall. You can buy everything here from Jeans to handbags.

Many of the brands are from Japan & Korea, and these countries are ear to the ground with fashion and quality. The stock is like something of a big market, but its all inside and has some hustle and bustle. You can also haggle down the prices and get some bargains.


MBK is quite a big shopping center with everything from clothing to technology.

A lot of the shops are independents you can find some real bargains and quality goods. You’re looking at spending $30-$40 for a decent shirt or purse.

Street Food

You are spoilt for choice with food choices in Bangkok with a vibrant, fun atmosphere. Don’t expect the Ritz-style service and ambiance, but you will enjoy this authentic experience.

Here’s some of the cuisine to look out for

  • Khao mun gai- Rice with chicken
  • Pad Thai Kung- Shrimps & Noodles
  • Sai krok Issan- Sour Sauasge
  • Pla pao- Fish Barbecued In Salt


  • Sen Yai (River Rice Noodle)
  • Sen Lek (rice vermicelli)
  • Bah mii Egg and noodles
  • Gieow Pork with dough

Expect to pay around ฿20 to ฿80

General Expenses Table

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Retirement Advice Video


Hi, I’m Ian

I started traveling in 2006 when I was 21 and still today it’s the best experience of my life! I grew up in a rural town in England and I couldn’t wait to get away and explore the big wide world.

My first destination in 2006 was Singapour. After I visited Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos the dream continued and every day was a new experience with new foods, temples, lush countryside, and quirky boutique hotels. The variance of my days was tremendous from waking up in Jungles to a tropical island sipping an ice-cold beer 24hrs later.

With all this travel experience I started traveltin to help people who want to take the plunge into travel and seek advice. I really want to help people live their dreams and share knowledge and tips to help you have the best trip possible.

If you need anything just ask! I’ll get straight back to you.

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