The Best Weekend Getaways From Bangkok City!

The Best Weekend Get-Aways From Bangkok

The Best Weekend Get-Aways From Bangkok

Bangkok is a fantastic place to live, but it can get hectic, so a weekend getaway must always be on the cards. You have a huge ex-pat community in Bangkok, and with that, you will have plenty of options available for quick breaks, But the good thing is your spoilt for choice, which adds to Bangkok’s cham.

As I stated before, Bangkok is one heck of a city with loads of pubs, restaurants, gyms, and much more. But the city is a  bit too much sometimes, especially in April when the Suns beating down. The positive news is their are plenty of places around Bangkok that support weekends nearby. I have friends in Bangkok who rent houses with outside barbecues in Hua hin with beach views and hired chefs to cook for you!  If you’re in Bangkok now, try these places below.

Hua Hin

Hua Hin is flat out one of my favorite places in Thailand with some fantastic beaches, good retail, and cultural relics. The town is perfect for weekend getaways for couples or boys get-togethers. The town has so many options it’s unbelievable!  You also have a great night market with music, food, and cheaper than Bangkok, another bonus.

Their are many ways to access Hua hin from Bangkok, but personally, the train is excellent and that way you can have a few drinks and admire the beautiful train station when you arrive. Hua Hin is a must for all travelers. You won’t be disappointed.


Kanchanaburi is a place I remember forever as it was my first escape from Bangkok in 2006, and I love this town. You can access the town by train or bus and is easily accessible from loads of destinations in Bangkok.

The town has a World War Two history where the Japanese built a railway system from Burma passing through Kanchanaburi, where British and Dutch soldiers built the tracks and were treated brutally by the Japanese. The Cemetery in the town center is beautiful. It nearly brought a tear to my eye as my granddad fought in Burma close by in WW2.

Their are loads of things to do with bamboo rafting past the bridge, monkey school, museums,  restaurants and great nightlife for a small town.

 The Ancient City in Samut Prakan

The ancient city is the shortest day trip to Bangkok, and you don’t have to stay over. The town is only an hour away and is called the “Ancient Siam” heading South out of Bangkok.

The area is quite romantic, so taking a girl along is possibly the best option with excellent archaeological sites that are amazing for snaps for your Instagram. You have temples, buddha statues, lush gardens, and a feeling of serenity.

The grounds are huge, so if you get a bit tired of walking, you can get bicycle carts to rent for guided tours. The entrance is a bit steep and is around 700 baht ($22), and the city closes at 7:00 PM. If you are traveling to Samut Prakan, you can skip a lot of traffic by getting the Sky train to On Nut station. Then I would get a grab taxi to the ancient city and enjoy the ride.

Ko Samet

This is what I love about Thailand you can travel a few hours and arrive in paradise. The journey will take you around three to four hours, but it’s well worth it for a great beach break. Ko Samet has many beaches with great night entertainment at Haad Sai Kaew with Dance music and fire shows. You can also get food on the beaches, and the vibe is chilled

Koh Laan

If you head to Pattaya, you’ll find this island just off the coast with incredible beaches. The island isn’t like an island in Cambodia where is half derelict. You see 7 elevens and a few modern shops, but the island is relaxed.

The island is perfect for fresh seafood and chilling out with water activities like snorkeling and swimming. You also get some wildlife on the island, such as monkeys, so keep your belongings close by as they will steal them.

A ferry can pick you up from Pattaya or get a speed boat that cuts the journey down to about 30 minutes- half the ferry time.

Khao Yai National Park

Khao Yai National Park is one of Thailand’s best national parks and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you like outside activities like kayaking, tracking, waterfalls, and bike trails, this park should be right up your street. The park shows off Thailand’s amazing natural beauty with many unique wild animals such as Tigers, elephants, and deers. For a weekend away from Bangkok, this is perfect.


I love Phuket it’s one of my favorite places in Thailand because it has everything from amazing beaches to great nightlife. It’s the type of place you can go a bit crazy with tonnes of bars, big nightclubs, and vast tourist industry.

During the day, you can go the beach and sweat out the alcohol, or you can soak up the lovely sun. The beaches can get pretty wild and busy, so for quieter ones, visit Layan and Karon. If you go in just for the weekend, make sure you fly down with Air Asia do plenty of deals. Phuket is one hell of a place, but I will say it is expensive, so expect to pay more.

Chiang Mai

I think the attraction with Chiang Mai is that it’s cooler than scorching Bangkok, especially around December January. The area has plenty of things to do, such as tracking, cycling, and different types of food. You have loads of great coffee shops at night markets to spend your money and kick back and relax. I always found Chiang Mai a relaxing place and undoubtedly one of the best areas in Thailand. You can fly from Bangkok and be in Chiang Mai in just 75 minutes.

Hi, I’m Ian

I started traveling in 2006 when I was 21 and still today it’s the best experience of my life! I grew up in a rural town in England and I couldn’t wait to get away and explore the big wide world.

My first destination in 2006 was Singapour. After I visited Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos the dream continued and every day was a new experience with new foods, temples, lush countryside, and quirky boutique hotels. The variance of my days was tremendous from waking up in Jungles to a tropical island sipping an ice-cold beer 24hrs later.

With all this travel experience I started traveltin to help people who want to take the plunge into travel and seek advice. I really want to help people live their dreams and share knowledge and tips to help you have the best trip possible.

If you need anything just ask! I’ll get straight back to you.

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